Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Isolation: Wednesday 21

The Log for Wendesday 21 2007 follows

Things keep getting stranger around here. Steve has become merely a whisper. I can no longer detect Gilbert's presence...this concerns me greatly. As for Eric..I hear his meaningless ramblings in the hall. I hope some supplies come in soon, as mine are growing thin. I can't eat my guitar...basswood is hard on my stomach to say the least.

I got another note from Tammy today. She's resourceful to say the least. They're keeping my spirits from totally plummetting.

As well my MegaFanClub membership paid off. Sleepwalker!

I only hope that eric, steve and I all make it through this week with our sanity intact.

For the lies of the fiends see


Rodimus Out.
9:41 PM


gilbert said...


::a complicated dream:: said...

You can't even friend people?

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!

gilbert said...

gilbert out