Friday, October 28, 2005

Random Musings II


New color, for the 2nd installation of Random Musings.

1. The Best Advice: Don't listen to advice. Why? Because everyone and their dog has an agenda, and an opinion on your life. And even though they might have your best intrests in mind, but all advice is tainted...just like the advice I'm giving you now. But really, even I need an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. Why can't people be compassionate/excited after the outcome of a decision I make. I'd rather people would be there after something blows up in my face/works out spectacularily, instead of trying to sway me beforehand. I'd rather make my own mistake than make someone elses.

2. Jessica Robinson from RockStar: INXS is smoking hot in my opinion. And she's taken. Welcome to the story of my life.

I'm out. Take care all!

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