Saturday, October 29, 2005

Jaded Rocks

Well I figure I'll do my part in the word-of-mouth department for this up and coming band called Jaded. It doesn't getter much better than female metal let me tell ya. I really do hope this band goes far because they are quite talented already, and it can only get bigger and better for them from here. I recently picked up their limited edition CD, and wow was I ever impressed, and I'm a fairly jaded (no pun intended) metalhead. I've heard bands sing about everything from the Impending Apocalypse, to Nuclear War, to Interpersonal Struggle, to Slaying Dark Lords, to Mighty Templars... so hearing a female voice, and perspective is like a breath of much needed fresh air. And their guitar player Britt Lightning will definately have a career ahead of her, she's really good now so I'm very interested to see what will happen with her as she matures and finds her own sound. Very few guitar players handle both the rhythm and lead aspects as well as she does. So check 'em out at where they have some MP3 samples.

Furious Rodimus

P.S. Britt Lightning is HOT. Anyone who says otherwise needs their eyes checked.

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