Monday, March 13, 2006

Cool Band Names

Here's some things that could be cool band names. If they're already in use, then I apologize. I'm not going to go out of my way to see if any of them are being used.

Legislation of Sterilization
Legalization of Sterilization
Reverse Eugenics
Bloody Roses
Thunder & Roses
Covenent of Death
Conformed Deviance
Perverted Lover
Cobra Child
Scorned Beauty
Pale Night's Mask
Retributive Justice

Well, I'm done with that now


neal said...

bored tonight?

Lauren said...

Well Rodney, those all sound like fairly morbid names, however, there are a few which i could appreciate.

Those include, but are not limited to- Bloody Roses, Thunder & Roses, Scorned Beauty and Pale Night's Mask.

Perhaps i should introduce you to some positive music. (my sister may appreciate that)

Furious Rodimus said...

Bah. Metal is positive... ok yea, that's a tough sell. Check out the CDs i burned for Melanie and/or Kaitlyn, then get back to me.