Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Random Musings IV

1. I'm tired, and I'm tired of being tired.

2. True Norsk Blak Metal! RAHHH!! (btw, the song Nepenthe by Sentenced, not too shabby)

3. Metallica = Over-rated. Yea they're good, and Master of Puppets is sweet, and Kill 'Em All is classic, but too many people think that The Black Album is the be-all and end-all in the metal world. This is simply not true. If any band has right to that claim it's Iron Maiden, and even then...

4. School is overrated. If it weren't for the people and kewl psych classes I'd have been long ago.

5. "Forget all your fury there's no need to cry"

6. Gamma Ray is an impossibly sweet band, and I really need to go buy one of their CDs.

7. Yes I'm still single. All those wishing to apply I'll be having interviews from....haha, yea right.


Nav said...

lol, I laughed because after my break up, my friend suggested that I make an application to date me, in order to weed out the not so great guys.

Heather said...

I completely agree with u Rod, school is so over rated. And even when we finish these degrees we have nothing really and have to keep going in school in order to actually get a career u love! Ur almost done tho!!

Krysta Chelle said...

rod, your strange. I really think so. We could make you and application. That would be fun lol. Hummm... all the things laurens sis are... we would have to make sure her only problem was her age.