Saturday, February 11, 2006

Why I Can't Be a Prince, But a Knight

A) A prince is already rich. A knight survives by his talents (deadly and otherwise).

B) A prince fights for his kingdom. A knight fights by his heart's direction.

C) A prince is famous by bloodline. A knight is famous by his exploits.

D) A prince always has shining armor. A knight's armor is always battle-scored, and blood-stained, a testament to his life.

E) A prince wins the girl by what he is. A knight wins the girl by who he is.

F) A prince is master of many men. A knight is master of his own heart.

G) A prince can risk another neck to get the job done. A knight must risk his own neck to get the job done.

I'm sure I could think of more. But the train has come off the tracks.


Lauren said...

Now that you metnion it, a Knight does seem more desireable and impressive than a Prince. And usually Princes are quite arrogant.

I suppose i will now have to search for a Knight (who is also a Jedi-knight and Lutheran!) instead of a Prince!

Thanks for openning my eyes to reality Rodney!

Nav said...

Only you Rodney.