Friday, December 30, 2005

2005: The Songs of a Year

Hey all. I feel like throwing out some random stuff abou the songs of 2005. As a side note, for those of you who know me i'm woefully behind the times in darn near everything, so there will definately be some stuff not released this year, or even this decade potenitally. And we're gonna follow a category style as they come out of my twisted little mind. So let us begin!

Song of the Year: Definately has to go to Seize The Day by Demons & Wizards. A totally uplifting, motviating song for when you feel like crap in the field.

Angry Song of the Year: Always a tough one b/c there are some many in my collection but this year it probably has to go to Tornado of Souls by Megadeth. If you've heard this song you know how furious it is.

Sexy Song of the Year: There is only one song to rule them all in this cateogry; Ring of Fire by Jaded. The undisputed Queens of this category, run away with this one. This is song is oh, oh oh, so sensual, hot, and down-right sexy. Hiyo!

Love Song of the Year:
Yes there was some love for the first third of 2005, so in memory of those happy times we have Starfire by DragonForce.

Break-Up Song of the Year: Yep, because this occured too. So we have a tie in this category: And the Story Ends by Blind Guradian, and Down Where I Am by Demons & Wizards.

The I Hate People Who Misuse the Bible Song of the Year: For all the ignorant and arrogant people out there we have In The Arms of God by Corrosion of Conformity.

Acoustic Song of the Year: This has to go to Fiddler on the Green by Demons & Wizards for being so darned cool, and having a wicked performance by Hansi Kursch on it as well. Tune in a 3:35 for the real kick-in to the song.

More later potentially.

Friday, December 16, 2005


This is Furious Rodimus with an all-point bulletin alert, so shake up, wake up and heed the call! Inside sources of the female community have come forward with some shocking revelations about a little phrase that occurs once in a while: "We seem to have a lot in common" and variations thereof are no longer safe, I repeat do not use this phrase because it does not mean what we think it means!

Apparently this pharse does not mean "Based on a cursory evaluation of the data that I have collected while spending time with you we seem to have several points of intersection in terms of our personalities, interests, and past experiences." This is what I mean when I say things like "We have a lot in common" An even more sinister usage that I am guilty of using is the aforementioned meaning combined with "Therefore I feel it is sensible that we continue being friends." or "No wonder we get along so well." Truly diabolical. I know.

Alas, this is clearly not the case. My inside source indicates that the meaning of "We have a lot in common" heard by women is more along the lines of "We have a lot in common, therefore we should attempt procreation to the end of spreading our ideologies throughout the land." No wonder girls get a little evasive when I say things like "We seem to have a lot in common" when what they are hearing is things about commitment and procreation.

Oh by the way if a girl says "We have a lot in common" take it at face value. It's just safer that way.

Many Bothans died, and I have been heartily embarrassed, to bring us this information. Make use of it!

Furious Rodimus Out.

Random Musings III

1. They need to make a wicked cool Dragonlance movie, because that would be just plain sweet. As well if they were do that they should cast me as Lord Soth.

2. The new live-action Transformers movie better be the best thing to grace the big screen since sliced bread.

3. Oh Roughriders, why did you have to go blow it so spectacularily?

4. Jaded rocks. Megadeth rocks. Demons & Wizards rocks. Blind Guardian rocks. Thank you Detroit! Good Night!

5. Coming up with random thoughts is harder than you think.

6." [. . . ] we have a lot in common!"

7. I'm going home on Sunday, hey, hey, hey!

Catch ya later!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Finals Suck!!

I hate Finals. That is all.